Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Freedom from the Grid

Here is an interesting idea offered up by Panasonic for commercial introduction in 2010, the same year plug-in hybrids will be introduced widely:

Where available, a home will have the option of generating its own electrical power. Natural gas will power a home-based 1KW fuel cell at a price 35% less than the average cost paid by an electric utility company (PG&E, for example) to create power from a gas turbine. The heat generated by the fuel cell can be used to heat water and provide heat for the home during cold months. Of course, grid power is still available at night for recharging a plug-in hybrid, when grid power is dirt cheap, but during peak power demands, this fuel cell will be attractive. Of course, these fuel cells will also prove attractive to folks who do not have ready access to grid power or who must pay generally high rates for electrical power vs. natural gas or propane. David has talked about buying a car powered by natural gas. Unfortunately, the price of natural gas is rising rapidly, now, just like petroleum. But for a few years, we can probably manage better with natural gas than petroleum-based fuels. We simply need to improve the fuel economy of our vehicles, move as rapidly as possible to electricity as the primary power for vehicles, and use cellulosic ethanol in addition to electrical power to fuel plug-in hybrid vehicles.

i'm obsessed by this subject! Peace and security depend on solving the world's energy problems.


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