Family Trip to Israel
In just about a month, our family begins to assemble from Califoria, Utah, and Colorado, flying first to NYC and from there to Amman, Jordan, where we leave the Airport by bus almost immediately and travel to Petra for the first of many adventurous experiences together. Shirley and I are looking forward with great excitement to this trip with our children and their spouses - a trip to connect with our most basic spiritual roots, the geography, structures, and the story of the Bible, with particular emphasis on the life, death, and resurrection of the Savior. Then we travel to Egypt to compare the Holy Land with the land of Ancient Egypt, with its massive buildings, complex theology, and a people who formed one of the first powerful nation atates in the world, which lasted several thousand years. There is much to take in, to sort out, and to remember. It will be ownderful to return and fill in some of the gaps of our first tour. There is never enough time to see it all, but what we see is wonderful